Thursday, February 21, 2008

Collin Is 6 Months! - An Update

Now that Collin is 6 months, the following is a list about what Collin can do:

Can sit up on his own briefly
He can pull himself back up to a seated position if he reaches out for a toy
Tummy time
Pushes up the entire length of his arms
Moves backwards
Turns 180 degrees regularly
Keeps his arms and legs off the ground like he is flying (we call it Airplane)
While on his back,
He looks over his shoulder to find at a person talking or toward a sound
He pulls his legs up
Grabs objects/toys with both hands
Recognizes and reaches for his bottle
He held it on his own until he finished his bottle last Friday
Reaches for and puts his feet in his mouth
Laughs and smiles frequently
Entertains himself
Plays really well by himself
Creates his own game – while he is sitting in his dad’s lap, he will smile and then put his face in his dad’s stomach. He pulls himself back, laughs (like he is proud of himself) and does it again.
Observant – he is aware of the following:
Family members
Toys including the toys hanging from the car seat handle
Ceiling fan
Knows his name
Regularly drinks 6 to 7 ounces of formula every three to four hours
Very controlled while eating from a spoon
Not too messy and usually keeps his hands away from his face
Chews on his thumbs
Puts pacifier in his mouth on his own and uses it as a teether
Tries to make more sounds than just cooing
Says “dada” and “deh deh”
Able to put himself to sleep at night without our assistance
Regularly sleeps at least 9 hours at night
Covers face/eyes with his arm while sleeping
Wakes up calm
Takes naps – from 15 minutes to 2 hours (only when Mimi is around)

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