Monday, February 18, 2008

Let Me!

Collin really likes for us to read books to him. He used to just sit there and listen. Daddy wondered why we were reading to him because he could not even tell if Collin was interested in the book or not. Over the last month, I have noticed him look at each page of the book as I read to him at night. Lately, he has been wanting to hold the book for me. At first, it was to try to eat the pages. Last night and tonight, he wanted to hold the book and fussed if I did not let him. Of course, I could not turn the page because he would not let go of the page we were on. After prying his hands off the page, I turned to the next page, read it and started the prying process all over again. This made him sleepy which was an added plus since it was bedtime. At least I know he is paying attention to what I am doing. I still don't know how much he is getting from it. Based on the amount of "talking" he does, I think he is picking up a lot.

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