Thursday, June 1, 2017

We Have a 4th Grader!

It seems like 3rd grade just started but, I know it didn't. Collin definitely had a challenging year with a few subjects like reading but he improved in the last two months especially after Pappy started helping him.  Even though school is challenging, he made new friends and remained are loving, funny, and caring little boy. 

Look how much he changed from the beginning of the school year until the last day of school. 
Something that's a tradition at the school for third grade is to have each student in the class write something about their fellow students. I could not wait to read what Collin's classmates said about him. The overall theme was that he's funny, smart, friendly, outgoing, fun to be with, and is a good friend. As a parent, I could only smile and be proud that these were comments classmates said about Collin. 

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