Saturday, May 13, 2017

A New Bike!!!

Both Collin and I were surprised when dad pulled out a new road bike for Collin this morning (well it was used but new to Collin). He was so excited to ride it, that he wanted to hurry through breakfast so he could get on the bike.

After switching out the pedals on the bike, he got on and rode up and down our street to get used to riding on a road bike versus a hybrid that he has been riding. The feel of the bike, using the brakes, and changing gears is all new.  He could not wait for me to get home for my hour and a half bike ride with my ladies group so that we could ride together. I was excited to ride with him so I could help build his confidence and show him how to use the brakes. 

By the end of riding around the neighborhood for an hour and a half, he had more confidence with the brakes and was even getting up out of the saddle (standing up on the pedals and not sitting on the seat). I was really proud of him!  He accomplished a lot and just such a short period of time. 

He did not want to get off of his bike, but we needed to go home and rest a little before heading to a playoff baseball game. That boy better be tired this evening!!! I know I am. 


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