Saturday, April 12, 2014

Bird Sanctuary and Birthday Party

Today was a busy day.  We started out with Collin waking up 2 hours early because he was hungry.  Yes, I think he is in a growth spurt again.  I tried to explain we were meeting the bike shop employees for the annual breakfast at Denny's before the MS150 ride.  He did not care and wanted breakfast anyway.  He had a huge bowl of Cheerios cereal before we got ready and left to have breakfast with the group.  At Denny's, he had three pancakes.  Before eating them, he wanted to know what the white stuff was on the pancakes.  He had never seen whipped butter before and wanted me to wipe it all off. 

After breakfast and on the way home, we stopped at the bird sanctuary because they were having a nature walk. I thought that would be fun because it was a cool morning AND we could learn more about the bird sanctuary that we enjoy so much.  Before the walk started, we looked at the animals in the log cabin.  Collin really liked looking at the two white mice.  He called these "cuties" because they were so cute.  He thought it was funny when I started talking for the mice and acting like I was them.  He has such a great laugh.  He saw the other kids petting the tarantula and decided he wanted to give it a try. He said she was soft but a little prickly.  Mommy was not interested in getting even close to the spider.
Collin and the "cuties"

Petting the tarantula

Outside, Collin got to feed Puck, the turtle, a worm.  He thought it was funny how Puck bit at the worm and got it all in his mouth.  Then he saw Puck you know he had to talk about that a few times today. 

Puck, the turtle. Was he trying to get out?
We got ready for the nature walk and grab some of the binoculars that were available.  Collin liked looking far away and then using the binoculars.  During the walk, we saw some bull frogs, a large bee hive and crickets.  The walked lasted an hour but Collin lasted 20 minutes.  He was bored and walked to walk off the main trails the leader was taking us we did just that and made our way back to the log cabin to watch the "cuties" some more before we went home to rest.

Looking at the birds eating from the bird feeders

Bull frog...this guy was huge!

In front of the log cabin
After resting at the house and playing with Saige a little, we left to go to the indoor trampoline place and celebrate Oliver's birthday.  Collin wanted to know when he was turning 7 like Oliver was.  We go through this every year until he is the older like some of his older friends.  When we first got there, he was tired and wanted to sit with me.  Then, after the boys kept asking him to jump and play, he did play for about an hour before he got hungry.  The pizza finally arrived and he at two HUGE pieces.  He even ate some birthday cake.  Guess the growth spurt is still ongoing.

Collin, Jake and Alex playing chase

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Look at the size of the pizza...and he had two of these
Later in the afternoon, we went to the movies to see Rio 2 with Ethan and his Mommy.  Daddy surprised us by being home earlier than he thought so he joined us.  He did fall asleep through some of the movie which I expected because he had gotten up at 4:30am. 

We are home and hopefully going to bed early tonight.  It's going to be another busy day tomorrow filled with baseball, soccer and swim team sign up.

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