Saturday, April 19, 2014

A Boy and His Donut Holes

I know I have written before about Collin's love for donut holes.  This started several years ago and continues to this day.  At least once or twice a week, he asks about getting donuts which means getting two backs of donut holes (6 holes in each bag), one chocolate iced donut and either regular or chocolate milk.  Depending on where we go, the people at the donut place recognize his love of donut holes and give him a few extras.

We went yesterday morning before dropping my car off to get inspectd.  On the way to the car inspection place, he asked for my phone.  Later, I found these pictures:

He had shown me the donut hole in the first picture and was so excited about how big it was.  I guess he wanted to remember that yummy donut hole with a picture.  He has already looked at it several times since he took it.  I guess I will not be able to delete it from my phone anytime soon.  How can I anyway?  Just knowing the story behind it puts a smile on my face.

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