Saturday, April 19, 2014

Annual Easter Egg Hunt

Like we have done in prior years, we had an Easter egg hunt on the block.  The bunnies hid the eggs while Daddy had a lot of the kids in the house watching a movie or playing.  Instead of stuffing every egg and wondering if the kid that found the egg was allowed to eat what was inside or allergic to it, plus, it's quicker not to stuff them, the eggs were empty and each kid got a bag stuffed with treats at the end.  The REALLY liked this.

After giving instructions to the kids about which yard had the eggs and the big kids letting the little ones find the obvious ones on the ground, the 14 kids took off looking for eggs. 
And their grab the eggs they were all looking at when they really tried hard to listen to the instructions

Soccer buddies Brody and Collin

Collin with his eye on another egg

After the hunt, we had BBQ and sat in the street while the kids played for over 2 1/2 hours.  I LOVED this time with my neighbors.

Comparing prizes with each other

Collected the eggs for next year's hunt


I would have thought Collin would not have made it another hour based on how tired he was in this picture

The boys acting crazy and like old men because they had pretend mustaches on

 When it was getting dark, Collin, Brody (who was spending the night with us), Saige and Linden came over for a night swim. This was perfect because the boys were really sweaty from running around so the pool would "clean"the sweat off of them. They swam for over an hour until one of the kids started getting tired.

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