Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Walking the Dog

Collin and I have been walking the dog every day this week after I have gotten home from work.  He likes to hold the leash while I carry the poop bags and treats.  As we start off down the street, he usually asks if we can walk to one of his friend's houses.  I do explain that we can walk by the house but we will not stop to play because it is dinner-time.  Yesterday, we did not make it the requested friend's house, Davis, because Collin was tired and wanted to head home.  By this time, he was also tired of holding the leash so he wanted me to hold it, along with the two filled poop bags, iPhone, and keys.

Today, instead of heading into the neighborhood, we walked the other way and went to the bird sanctuary.  Burke's nose was going crazy with all of the new smells.  Collin wanted to see the cages near the pond we saw last time which was several months ago.  The cages were empty and he wanted to know where the animal was.  I just guessed and told him in the log cabin near the cages.  Later, a lady that works for the Audubon Society opened the log cabin so that Collin could see the animals caged inside which included snakes, spiders, lizards and other animals.  He knew these were in the cabin from the last time he was in there.  He had lots of questions for her and she was so sweet to answer all of them.  She had to close up and then we left to head home.

Good quality time with The Boy and the dog.

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