Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Bath Goggles

Collin has NEVER liked having his hair washed and getting his eyes wet...in a bath.  He is fine to take a shower and stand under the shower stream but I guess that's different to him.  I have tried so many different things including the bucket that is supposed to keep water out of his eyes.  Nope...he still fusses and wants a towel immediately after having water on his head. 

I thought for sure this was related to him not wanting to put his head under the water when he first took swim lessons.  Now that he is swimming great with his head under the water the majority of the time, you would think that taking a bath would be better.  Not. One. Bit. 

I gave up and now let him wear swim goggles when I, or he, is washing his hair.  I move the goggles around so that I can be sure to wash the hair under the straps.  He then likes to play in the water with the goggles on after his hair is washed.  At least his hair is washed.....especially after stinky football practice like tonight.

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