Thursday, May 23, 2013

Swim Lessons - He Passed!

Collin has been taking swim lessons since they were available at the beginning of the year. They are twice a week and Grandma H takes him. I have showed up a few times especially when I was on leave for two months. Collin has really excelled in his lessons compared to last year and we do attribute some of that to his instructors - Matt and Mary Anne. Collin really likes Matt and we like him too because he is patient with Collin...especially on those days that he does not want to focus. He generally does great with the instructions and does not have too much difficulty with them other than kicking. The poor boy is either too heavy or it's a coordination thing but he cannot keep his legs up when he kicks. They quickly fall down in the water which pulls him under. Matt will remind him to kick by saying, "kick, kick, kick" (in his English accent) which does help a little. As soon as Matt stops with the reminder, there go the legs.
During the last few lessons, Collin has kicked much better. It might be because it's warmer outside so he has gotten in the pool several days a week. We do make him practice kicking and his arm strokes during some of that time.

After Collin's lesson yesterday, Grandma H said that he did good enough to pass his test and get promoted to the next level (I think Level 2). Way to go Collin!

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