Tuesday, December 25, 2012

School Winter Program

Daddy and Mommy were able to attend Collin's school winter program.  No one told us what to expect other than the program starts at 10am Friday morning.  In the prior years, this meant that Collin and his classmates sang Christmas songs and then we all ate snacks.  Should we have expected something else from public school?  I guess so. 

The "program" was fun for the kids but it was not meant to be a performance for the parents.  Most of the parents did not even attend.  What did happen was the kids moved around to different "stations" to decorate cookies, have a snack, create a reindeer bot and play a game.  The parents that did attend helped Ms. Hansen with the kids and rotate them when they were ready to move to the next station. Daddy and I were glad we were there but now we know that it's not even close to what the Montessori school did....at least for now.  Collin had a great time and did not want to leave with Daddy or I when the fun was over.  He wanted to stay for the story time and then leave even though some of his other classmates went home with their mothers.  At least he enjoys school, right?

Making a reindeer pot

Snack time with Elizabeth and friends

Decorating cookies.  Oh look..with Elizabeth

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