Monday, December 31, 2012

"Can I have this for Christmas next year?"

I wonder huch much longer I will have to hear this phrase.  At least Collin does not whine for something wants when he sees it and, instead, just asks "Can I have this for Christmas next year?"  He recently said this at the grocery store when he saw a toy car.  I am SOOO happy that he at least stopped asking for a Cuddle Up Pet.  He is seeing more commercials and this was showing all of the time on the channel he likes, Sponge Bob Squarepants which shows 24 hours a day.  He said he really wanted one of these because of how soft it looked and because the soft cover came with a puppet that he wanted to play with.  He did get a large soft blanket with the Avengers on it for Christmas to add to the two other soft covers he has on his bed.  I guess this was not enough because the next morning, he said "Mommy, I really want a Cuddle Up Pet.  My heart really hurts because I don't have one."  Oh wow!!!  He is really pulling at the emotions with that one.  However, I have not given up yet.  I does not need another cover for me to pick up or him to drag around with him especially when we are living in our small apartment right now while the house is being remodeled. 

Here is the blanket/Cuddle Up Pet he really wants....and I hopefully don't break down and buy it for him....

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