Tuesday, July 24, 2012

"Where am I in the picture?"

Tonight, I pulled out old pictures because someone posted a picture of Daddy on Facebook from 11 years ago. I was trying to find my set of the pictures and talk to Daddy about that event (a 24 hr race he was in). Collin loved looking at the pictures and asking questions about the people in the pictures. There were several of Daddy and Grandma H from when Daddy was a kid and then durning high school. If Collin was particularly interested in a picture, he would take it from me, run over to Daddy and show it to him while laughing and talking about the picture. He wanted to know where Daddy's hair was and who the other people where in thr picture. We were all having fun as it when like this for 10 min or so. Mimi was over and liked looking through pictures of people on Daddy's side of the family. Then, Collin got frustrated because he was not in any of the pictures. "Where am I?". We would tell him that he was not born yet. "Well, then we're was I? In the sky? In Mommy's belly?". If he did not like the responses, he asked more questions and then would look at the pictures in the other books looking for him in the picture. When he did not find any pictures, he left the table, got one of his baby scrapbooks off the shelf, came back to the table, pushed the pictures we were looking at to the side and started looking through the book. "Awwww...look at me as a baby! Why are you holding a bottle?". Flipping the page, he exclaimed "Look at my fluffy cheeks!". He laughed after that and pointed out more pictures of a chubby little baby Collin. He did this through two other of his scrapbooks before it was time for a bath. He was happy because we were looking at pictures of him. Now, if he could only have this focus when it comes to bath and getting read for bed. It's still a fut and exhausting most nights.

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