Sunday, July 8, 2012

Sick Little Boy....Still

After 4 1/2 days, Collin is STILL sick.  For the first few days, he only had a high fever but no other symptoms.  Today and yesterday afternoon, the fever did come down (hovered around 102 for the first few days) to 100 and even 99 but now he does have a runny nose and watery, swollen eyes.  I am thinking he might have allergies because of the watery, swollen eyes but did not think allergies came with a fever.  He is going to the doctor tomorrow so we will find out more.

At night, I have been sleeping with him on the futon in the playroom or having him on our bed because he does have a hard time getting comfortable and going to sleep.  He also wakes up in the middle of the night close to 3am wanting water and a cold rag to wipe his eyes.  Saturday night was the best though.  He woke up three different times to say, "Mommy, Are you there?"  I responded that I was and then he said "I love you".  Awwww....that made the sleepless nights and long, tired days worth it. 

Most of the days, he slept or did not want to do much.  He did have a lot of energy yesterday and this morning so I took advantage of that by doing little projects with him.  That way, he did not spend the entire day watching movies like he had been.  Yesterday, we colored.  Today, he helped me shred paper in the office which he loves to do.  He really likes to dump the shredded paper out of the bin into the larger recycle bag.  We also made a Lego storage box out of an old diaper box I kept for days like today.  He really liked picking out the colors, coloring and helping me tape up the box.  He did not pick out purple or pink because "those are girl colors, right?"  I think the box turned out really good.

After making the box, he wanted to make a house out of marshmallows for his "guys" and cars.  He sure was in an art mood.  We did start making the house but did not finish because it needs to dry a little before we do more to it.

During this time, he has been great taking his temperature by himself.  Sometimes, he would say "it's time to take my temperature", walk over to the kitchen, turn the thermometer on and then take his temperature.  He always asked what the number was after the beep which meant that he could take the thermometer out. 

Notice he is not wearing "soft" PJs (his favorite flannel ones).  He announced one of the nights early on  that he did not like his soft PJs anymore.  I wonder if it was because he was SO hot in them when his temperature was closer to 103.  I like this because he wore the other PJs that have been ignored for so long like the glow-in-the-dark dinosaur ones in the pictures above and below. 

Even though he is sick and not feeling good, his sense of humor did come out a few times like when I was taking pictures of our art project.

Ignoring the funny face (hard to do, I know), see how swollen his eyes are?  He has a spot under his left eye from wiping at it so much. 

I sure hope the doctor can tell me what we can do so my little boy can get better soon.

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