Thursday, July 5, 2012

Sick Little Boy

Since we came home from our cousin trip, Collin has run a high fever.  Other than the fever, he does not have any other symptoms.  It started Tuesday night so we stayed home all day for the July 4th holiday.  I would have liked to have participated in the parade and seen the fireworks but it was also nice to stay home and spend it with my family.  I left only to pick up some lunch and then again to get groceries.  Collin slept most of the day yesterday.  When he was awake, he did not have that much energy and did not eat at all.  Around 6pm, he woke up and asked me if he could go to his bed.  I knew the poor dude did not feel good because it's usually a fight to get him to start getting ready for bed.  He did want me to sleep next to him which I did for about 20 minutes until he fell asleep.  I "escaped" only to be caught and hour later when he woke to retrieve me from the kitchen table. 

Last night, he slept in our bed so I could get him water and check on him throughout the night.  He was burning up when I came home from swimming that morning so I gave him some more medicine which does reduce the fever temporarily.  It's been ranging from 99 to 102.5 degrees.

When he woke this morning, he asked Daddy why he was not sleeping next to him when he woke up.  He told him that he had to get up last night because Collin was kicking and head butting Daddy. Daddy then asked him if he was in a race and Collin said "No, I was having a bad dream and was fighting it off."  Daddy then asked him if he was scared and Collin said "No".   Who knows if this is really what he was dreaming about or if he even remember but how cute was this explanation especially coming from the little guy that does not feel good and did not sleep much that night.

Grandma H watched him today.  She said he slept most of the day or laid around.  He is still running a fever and will stay home from school tomorrow.  She said he asked for me several times today.  When I get home from work, he will have plenty of "Mommy Time".

He must have caught a "bug" on our trip.  At least the other kids did not get sick and he was not sick on the way home.

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