Monday, April 27, 2009

Kids say the darndest things....

I have been holding back on this one for a few weeks thinking I did not hear what Collin was saying. Maybe he was saying something that only sounded like the work I thought he was saying.

It started one evening when I got home from work. I typically go to my bedroom closet and get undressed from the day and put something on that is more comfortable so I can play with Collin and relax. As usual, Collin followed my into the closet to sort daddy's socks, pull out the dirty clothes from the hamper or make some other mess that I would have to clean up later. I was taking off my work shirt (left my bra on) and about to put on my causal comfy shirt when I heard him say "boobies". I was shocked. Where did he know that word from? I don't refer to "my girls" that way so I wondered where he learned this word. Thinking I must be hearing things, I asked him "what did you say?" and he repeated "boobies". I had to tell daddy what happened and he thought it was hilarious.

Yesterday, we were running errands and we stopped in for me to try on some clothes. Collin followed me into the dressing room and was looking at himself in the mirror when I started to take of my shirt to try on a shirt. He turned around and said "boobies" and pointed to my chest. Thank goodness the shop had music blasting into the shop or people walking by would have been able to hear him.

I thought I had at least another 6 months to a year before I would be embarrassed about what words come out of his mouth. Once again, I have things to learn about being a parent.

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