Friday, April 24, 2009

Great day for the museum

After Collin took over a two hour morning nap and then had lunch, Mimi, Collin and I headed to the Children's museum. They just opened up the toddler section and I have been wanted to take Collin there. Since it was an overcast afternoon and likely to rain, I thought it would be fun to go today.

On the way there, Collin had to point out EVERY bus or truck. He even spotted bicycles before Mimi and I saw them. Dogs were high on the list too. As with any other time Collin is in the car, it's not just baby babble anymore. He has to either talk and point out everything he sees, hummmm, dance to the music. So the trip to the museum was like any other car ride. Much more entertaining than it used to be. At least he is not crying all the way home sounding like a siren like he used to.

When we got there, he was in awe watching the kids climb on the indoor playground equipment. Then, we found an ambulance for kids to try out the lights and pretend like they were driving. He LOVED playing with the stirring wheel. Mimi showed him were the lights were. He liked flipping the lights on and off and watch them flash on my shirt as I stood in front of the ambulance.

Next, it was time to grocery shop. Collin enjoyed putting fake fruit and other produce in his grocery sack. He was picking out really healthy food and Mimi was putting in cake and donuts. After he filled his bag, it was time to check out. Mimi showed him where to do this but he did not know what to do with the bag.

After grocery shopping, we played in the toddler area for at least an hour. He liked driving the small car, sliding down the slide, playing with the gigantic light-bright screen, and playing in the kid-sized house. Then it was time to play outside at the water works area. This showed the kids how water can make things move. Collin liked playing with the boats floating in the water and the fountain pushing the boats along the path. Before I knew it, he was soaked. I am glad I brought an extra shirt for him.

He has so much fun and played so hard that I did not think he would ever stop eating dinner tonight. He ate about 3 times the amount that he normally eats. Wonder how long he will sleep tonight? I cannot wait for the 4-year birthday party we are invited to tomorrow. I hope the rain stays away.

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