Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I Do It!!!

Drum roll......Collin is officially in his Terrible Twos!

He does not want us to feed him (and really has not for awhile). Now, he wants his spoon (which he still holds in his left hand) to feed himself his food. He is really good with soft food and even is able to fork meat and make it to his mouth. Mimi was over yesterday and was clapping during most of the meal since he was really accurate and did not get too much on the outside of his mouth or on his shirt. I was working and had to come out of the office to see what was going on.

Another example is that he does NOT want to hold our hand or finger when his is walking down the stairs. Yes, he walks down the stairs now. He used to wait and hold his hand out for us to give him our hand and then he would start walking down. Now, he let's us know that he is going to do it on his own.

He also runs away when it's time to change his diaper. Before, he did not mind and would lay down on the floor and wait for us to change him. Now, when he sees us coming with a diaper and wipes in hand, he runs away and hides. His hiding spot is not that great though....he crouches down next to the couch and between the large ottoman. It's very east to see and catch him.

Just a few examples that we have noticed in the last week or two.

1 comment:

Maria said...

Too funny.. Matthew also refuses to let us feed him.. he has to feed himself but unfortantely isn't to efficient.. Sometimes we have a spoon and get some spoonfuls into him in between his attempts with his own spoon. Matthew also refuses to let me hold his hand when walking anyway and of course he doesn't like me to carry him. The only thing I can do is put my hand on his head and gently "steer" him in the right direction. Thos toddler leashes make more sense to me every day.