Saturday, March 14, 2009

Day with the Cuz

Collin had a good time today at Mimi's house playing and showing cousin Timmy some of his favorite toys. It was Timmy (aka Timmikins) first time to be in his office. Timmy had a great time "standing up" and looking around. Collin did not know what to think though because that was HIS office and not Timmy's. He stood around the office and played with the knobs and gadgets on it. You could tell that Collin was slightly irritated that he had to share. Later in the day though, he warmed up to Timmy being in his territory. He even was helpful and gave Timmy his pacifier....whether Timmy wanted it at the moment or not.

Earlier today, we went to Matthew's Gymboree class since it was going to be another cold and raining day. Collin had his own agenda and did not want to do what the teacher thought he should do. He even showed everyone more than once how he can through a fit. hmmmm.....terrible twos already? He did like the bubbles and the parachute which was towards the end of the class. He was a grouchy butt most of the day. Hopefully it was because of the weather and not a taste of how he is going to be for now.

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