Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tuesdays with Daddy Oct 28th

We were WALKING!! All day we walked into every building I would hold his hands and he would walk with me. We walked into an elevator and then out the ride up was fun with Collin stabelizing himself by squatting down.
We went to Petsmart and he would yell at the birds and puppies but not at the fish. He just stared at them I wondered what he was thinking. We have toy fish in his bathtub but they look nothing like the fish at the store. So once again I am trying to look through his eyes and see what he sees with no success.
We went to lunch with our neighbor today and took naps like normal. At the end of the day before mom came home we sat and read a few books. Laura's friend at work tells her that she read somewhere that kids that crawl longer into life tend to be readers. This make sense for Collin becuase he likes looking through the books and enjoys reading time.
I think he is just smart and gifted. But then doesn't every Dad?

1 comment:

The Karg Family said...

He is soo cute!! Hope you guys had a great Halloween.