Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Hose Him Down!!

Last night, Collin was really messy with dinner. Instead of eating the spaghetti and meatballs, he decided he should paint the high chair tray and his chest with the sauce. I think thought I would teach him how to use his spoon. He has been watching us dip the spoon in the bowl and then feed him with the spoon. So, the last month, we have let him dip his own spoon in the bowl and then try to show him that the spoon then goes in his mouth. As you might guess, he does not have great aim when he even attempts to put the spoon in his mouth. Most of the time, the bounces the spoon up and down which makes a mess if the food is runny.

So, instead of trying to wipe him down and then give him a bath, I thought it would be fun to transfer him to the kitchen sink like old times. He is MUCH bigger than he was a year ago when I used to bathe him in the sink and he is more interested in the water, faucet and things around him. Here are a few pictures from the "shower".

1 comment:

Angy said...

So cute!!! Miss you guys!!