Sunday, December 4, 2016

Odyessy of the Mind (OM) - Brainstorming

This afternoon during the 1:30pm meeting, the 3rd grade OM team has come up with some really good ideas for the vehicle problem they selection.  Today, they worked on 2 more vehicles and brainstormed about the garage at the start of the ramp.  Collin and Eli worked really good together figuring out another vehicle and how it could drop a "trap" so that other vehicles could not follow it.  At the end of the meeting, they decided the vehicle did not work they way they envisioned.  Maybe they will each think about what they learned today and consider new ideas to bring to the meeting next week. 

Saige, Collin, Valerie, Kamila and Camillo

Saige, Collin, Valerie, Kamila and Camillo
Eli and Collin working on a new vehicle

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