Thursday, July 9, 2015

Day 13 = Back in Texas and Spray Painting Cars

After having a really good breakfast made at the Albuquerque RV Park, we packed up and headed to Texas.  We plan to end up at Palo Duro Canyon this evening. 

Just before making it to Amarillo, we stopped off at Cadillac Ranch which is a public art installation of a variety of Cadillac's slightly buried in the ground.  We brought our cans of spray paint to add to the already decorated cars.

Here is what the cars looked like just 18 hours before.  They were all painted pink to recognize a local foundation that supports families with children fighting cancer.

It was SO muddy because of all of the recent rain.  We were only able to get to the first two cars because the rest had more than an ankle deep of water around them.  Collin wanted to get in the water (shocking!) but I was not interested in cleaning him up in the RV afterwards.  At first, he was not sure how to use the spray paint.  I got in there and showed him how it's done:

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