Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Writing Notes

I have been working with Collin the last few days and will until school starts to get him ready to sit still in a class and do school work.  We have worked on his words, reading, math and writing.  He gets really tired with the writing because he is not used to holding his pencil. 

Usually, he does not want to write anything when it's not "school work" time.  However, in the last two days, he has written several notes.  Here is one of them that he wrote and laid on his animals that he placed on the floor by his bedroom door.

When I was working the other night, he wanted to send me an email.  He wrote the following and sent it to Dad and I:

"I love you and Dad"  Collin

At the baseball game, he left his autographed baseball hat.  He does not wear hats other than when he is playing baseball so none of us remembered he was wearing a hat until we were headed to the car. I quickly sent a text to a coworker that was still there.  She fortunately found it and brought it to work the next day.  I thought that was really sweet.  Collin was so excited to see his hat when I got home that night.  Instead of working in his school workbook, I had him write a note to her using his words.  here is what he wrote:

She loved it...especially the baseball stickers he included on the note.

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