Sunday, March 23, 2014

Burke Hit a Car

Yes, I said that right.  While Burke was outside running around with his buddy, Lulu, that lives next door, they both ran off of our street and headed down the main street.  As soon as I saw this, I yelled for Burke to come back knowing Lulu would follow him.  As Burke was rounding the street to head back, he ran into a car that was slowing down for a speed bump.  He landed on the ground, got right back up and ran back to the house.  I was in shock that he got up but VERY thankful because 1) the nose he made when he hit the car was so loud and 2) Collin was outside watching the entire thing.

We held onto Burke to check him out and noticed all of the blood on both of his legs, under his chin, and his belly.  As far as we could tell, he just had "road rash" and did not break anything.  He was favoring his right side and would not walk on his left front foot unless he had to.  I could not see any bones sticking out and he was not crying.  We took him to the vet anyway to have him checked out. 

After being at the emergency Vet clinic for 3 hours, Burke got a pain shoot and two different medications to take over the next few days.  The Vet wanted us to get an X ray to determine if there was internal bleeding.  We declined and decided to watch him tonight and bring him to our Vet in the morning for X rays there and observation.

The rest of the day, he slept and laid around.  He did a lot of crying I could not tell if he was missing Collin and Daddy because they were at Collin's baseball scrimmage or if he was in pain.  Maybe it was a little of both because he did cry when the boys got home but not as much.

I am so thankful Burke was not severely hurt or killed.  If Daddy lets him run around like that again, I hope he learned his lesson and does not run off the street again.

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