Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!!

What a wonderful day we had with family and friends. It really started yesterday when Grandma H arrived. Collin and I picked her up at the airport. As we were pulling up to the airport, Collin noticed her and said "Grandma" and pointed to her. We picked her up and ran some errands. Once was to stop at the bike shop because Santa as there. Collin as fine about seeing Santa until he saw him. At once, he started to cry and as very clingy to any one of us but Santa. We even tried sitting down next to Santa but all Collin did was hide or stand behind me because I was furthest away from Santa. This was the best shot e could get of Collin next to Santa. He was VERY happy when Santa got up and left where we were sitting.

We left the shop, went grocery shopping and then came home to wait for Daddy to get home. Once Daddy was home, Collin helped him in the back and front yard raking the leaves. Since we now have a TON of trees in the front and back yard, there are lots of leaves to rake almost every day. Daddy thought it would be fun for Collin to play in the pile of leaves raked in the front yard. He was right. Here are a few pictures of Collin jumping and rolling in the leaves. He would run and jump into the pile of leaves, then roll off, get to his feet and do it again. This happened for about 15 minutes until I made us go inside because it was so cold.

Collin eventually passed out before 8pm because he did not take a nap. He fell asleep while Grandma was reading a book to him and I was making cookies to leave for Santa. Santa did end up eating some of the cookies.

Collin slept until 7:30am before he starting moving around. I was shocked that he did sleep in. This might be our last morning for a few years to sleep in ourselves on Christmas morning. We ate breakfast first before opening presents. Grandma made eggs, hash browns, toast and bacon. I thought I would not be hungry the rest of the day. Then, it was time to open presents. First, the boys emptied their stockings. There were CDs, puzzles, gum and chap stick in there. Then, it was opening presents time. Collin did not know what to do at first. He opened a book from Grandma about potty training (thanks Grandma!), then a empty matchbox car carrying case and then matchbox cars from Grandma. Collin stopped opening gifts because he wanted to put all of the cars he owned in the carrying case including the ones he just opened that morning. He ran from his playroom to the den three different times to get all of the cars. He put the cars in the box making sure they all pointing in the same direction.

Then, he opened one of his to big gifts. The first one was a Home Depot tool station. We knew he would like this because he loved to play with Pappy's tools that he left at our house. After he opened the box and Daddy was taking out the tools, Collin asked me for batteries because he knew he would need them to make the tools work. He was shocked to find out they already had batteries in them when he pushed the button to the power drill. His face lite up because he as SO happy to have something that made noise similar to Pappy's tools. He helped Daddy with the Philip's head screwdriver to build the rest of the tool bench.

He played with his tools for awhile until he opened his baby grand piano. Daddy wanted him to have a piano hoping he would enjoy it and take lessons soon. Here he is sitting on the seat banging on the keys. We will have to work on the gentle part that comes with playing a piano.

Soon after opening one or two more presents, Saige and her family came over. Collin was so happy Saige was here. He showed her his new toys and then they apparently found the food table when no one was looking. I noticed a few cookies had a bite in them and were placed back on the table. I quickly found the culprits at the end of the other side of the table.

The kids then played in Collin's playroom while the rest of us hung out in the living area eating lunch and talking. Ryan and Yoko arrived at this time and joined us in the living room. At one point in time, we noticed that it was quiet and we could not hear the kids. I went looking for them and this is what I found in our room. Saige and Collin were not to be found. It was obvious they had climed on the bed since the pillows were messed up and the top blanket was pulled back like someone crawled underneath.

I then heard muffled talking in the bathroom and this is what I saw........little turkeys! They thought they were in shower! Thank goodness they did not know how to turn on the water. When they saw me and the other parents, they stopped, climbed on the bench and posed for pictures. They knew they were not supposed to be in there and thought their cute smiling faces would help us not be mad at worked. What were they thinking when they saw the shower and decided to go in? Which one started it? We will never know....but have these cute picture to remember it by.

We thought it was time to go outside and enjoy the weather. Plus, Collin wanted to share with Saige jumping in the leaves and how much fun it can be. Even Linden sat in the grass and laughed as they jumped into the pile of leaves. Here they are posing for everyone taking pictures. Even the neighbors stopped by to say hello and wish us a Merry Christmas. It was a great one so far.

Later in the afternoon, Tom, Anita and their kids Timmy and Christina came over for dinner and so did Philip, Joanna and their daughter Jessica. The kids were older than Collin but that did not stop him from wanting to be included. We all played Cranium and got to learn things about each other that we did not know I don't know many old songs. :)

Before I forget, Collin opened the following presents today:

Home Depot Tool Bench with tools - Daddy
Piano - Daddy
Giant fire truck puzzle - Mommy
Matchbox cars (8) and carrying case - Grandma H
Potty Training book with flushing sound - Grandma H
Percussion set with maracas, triangle, jingle stick and drum - Tirados
Puzzle box with assorted shapes and colors - Mommy
Soccer netted goal - Mommy and Daddy
Monkey trash can, monkey towels and Curious George stuffed animal - Ryan and Yoko
Book - Aunt Nancy

We all had a great time today. Tomorrow, we have more friends coming over. I know a little boy who will sleep good tomorrow too.

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