Sunday, February 15, 2009

Update of What Collin Can Do Now

I am sure I forgot a lot on this list but here are a few things Collin can do or does now:

If he wants something he knows he should not have, he will point and put the back of his hand under his nose.

If he does not know where something is, he will hold his arms out waist high and palms up as if to say "where is it?" or "I don't know".

He likes to put clothes in the washer...I am glad I looked before I washed the last time because he put a ball in there too.

He likes to wash his hands.

He knows his face parts. His new find it is tongue. Sometimes, he does get his ears and eyes mixed up. He knows a lot of his body parts too like hands, fingers, toes, legs, arms and feet.

He enjoys crawling through his tunnel daddy got him.

When he is hungry, he will start to climb in his high chair and wait for us to help him in it.

If he is not interested in eating, he has learned where to push the button on the side of the high chair tray for it to come off.

He wants to buckle himself in his car seat. If I try to help, he lets me know he does not want it.

He says: ba for balloon and banana, ball, bye-bye, thank you, dada, oh and uh oh (this is a favorite of his).

He loves to give kisses and we love to receive them.

He knows how to open the pantry door to get the broom out and sweep.

His way of putting away his toys is to throw them over the gate at the top of the stairs.

If we ask him to be quiet, he will put one finger up against his lips and sometimes say 'shhhh'.

During his bath, after I bathe his belly and back, he automatically lifts one leg up at a time for me to wash each leg.

When I tell him it's time put on his socks and shoes, he will sit and lift one leg up waiting for me to put his socks and shoes on.

When he gets tired, he pulls on one ear.

He knows the sounds a dog, cat, and monkey make and does them.

His stuffed monkey is his best friend right now. He has been since he broke his leg.

He crouches down on his knees to look under the couch or ottoman for his toys.

He can clap his hands.

He puts his hand up if we say "high five".

If he needs help going down or up a step, he will reach out for your hand.

If you are sitting on a chair or floor and he wants you to go somewhere, he will get behind you to push you up. If you don't move fast enough, he will put his hands underneath you to boost you up.

He can drink from a straw.

He will sit and flip through pages of a book as if to read it.

He is a very curious little toddler and a joy to have.....even when he is throwing a fit with his tummy on the floor and legs kicking.

1 comment:

Maria said...

What a great list.. there are so many things Collin can do. I can't help but wonder if Matthew can do some of these things with the right encouragement. Thank you again for things to look for and maybe expect soon.