Saturday, February 21, 2009

18 Month Stats

Short and sweet during Collin's 18 mth check up. He is still thin with a big head:

Weight: 24 lbs 3 oz (30%)

Height: 32 1/2 in (50%)

Head circumference: 19 in (60%)

After his appointment, we went to the bike shop to help dad work a little. Here is Collin helping daddy analyze an invoice. He at least gave his opinion...nothing we could interpret but he was jibber jabberign the entire time he was sitting on daddy's lap. He got down and started to explore the shop and noticed not one but five brooms!!! He pointed and laughed with excitement about the possibility of sweeping the entire shop. I did give him the broom and he started sweeping the back and then moved to the side of the shop. He was really focused until Ryan offered him a chocolate chip cookie. Hmmm....sweep or a cookie, sweep or a cookie......the cookie won and he never went back to sweeping.
After running a few errands, we came back home to clean the house a little. Collin actually does enjoy this part...especially helping to wash his clothes. Not sure why but I will take all of the help he will give me. Here he is putting his clothes in the washer. He could stand there all day taking the clothes out and putting them back in. He yelled at me when I finally shut the door and started the wash. Nothing would get cleaned if we continued at his pace.


1 comment:

Maria said...

I watched this video with Tony and Matthew and we got the biggest kick out of the Uh Oh's. Do you think Collin could come over and show Matthew how to do the laundry?