Sunday, January 11, 2009

I wanna drive!

We had friends in town this weekend that have a 7 year-old girl (Madison) and a 6 year-old boy (Justin). Collin had a blast following them around and watching what they did. Collin ADORED Madison and followed her everywhere. He would run up to her and give her a big hug every time he entered the room. It did not matter if mommy and/or daddy where in the room either....we were chopped liver when Madison was around.

Saturday morning, we took the kids to the Children's Museum so they all would work off some energy. Of course, Collin followed Madison around. Here he is hanging on to the seat she was sitting it that gave an example of a pulley system.
Madison became just a thought when he spotted a Mustang similar to Mimi's. He "ohhh'd" as loud as he could and pointed to the steering wheel. We waited our turn and Collin looked like he was in Heaven because he was playing with the steering wheel. Madison and Justin climbed in for a ride. When they wanted to drive, Collin pushed their hands away. This was his car! I knew it was not going to be easy to pull him away from the wheel to give the other kids a turn. I looked around for something else to distract him with knowing that a tantrum could be happening soon. I spotted some real baby chicks around the corner and thought he might enjoy looking at these. I grabbed him quickly, the screaming and fit started but then subsided just as quickly when he saw the baby chicks. Whew!!! I wonder if we have a race car driver in our future. Collin sure does like steering wheels for some reason.

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