Monday, January 19, 2009


Today, mommy had to return some birthday pants at the mall because she was too fat for them. I used to not like the mall until I saw the horses on our way to have my diaper changed. Wow!! Mommy let me sit on one and I held on tight. We went around and around in circles like I do when I am happy to see Mimi or when daddy comes home. The horses even went up and down and I thought that was fun. We were going really fast for me and I stopped smiling so I could hold on even tighter to the pole on the horse. By the time the horse stopped, I was ready to get down and see what else I could find at the mall.

We found a playground with LOTS of things hanging from the ceiling. Mommy let me play in there a little while until she decided that too many older kids where not paying attention to me. I don't want to be back in a cast again but I was still mad that she made me leave until I saw the colorful things hanging from the ceiling again.

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