Sunday, January 18, 2009

Hanging out with Matthew

Collin and I had a blast today hanging out at the Varesic house. When we got there, Collin needed a reminder of who Matthew was since it had been WAY too long since we had been over. Once he figured it out, he wanted to play with Matthew's Christmas present from his daddy. I could describe it but a picture would tell it best.

There are 650 balls in the Jumpolene. After 5 minutes in there, Collin saw to it that at least 10 balls where thrown out. I was putting them back as fast as he could throw them out. There was not much jumping going on but he did roll and crawl around in the Jumpolene.

Matthew's daddy made crepes for lunch. While he was making them, Collin was in the kitchen cleaning up behind him with the play vacuum while Matthew had the TV changer. The boys LOVED the crepes. They were filled with Nutella which is really sweet. Yep, you guessed it...the Nutella did get all over their faces. I liked some off Collin's check and he thought that was funny. The boys also played with Matthew's drums while Tony made additional crepes.

After lunch, the boys continued to play with the toys and in the Jumpolene. We could tell it was getting close to nap time because they were both getting fussy. At one point, Collin was sitting in the Jumpolene staring off into the distance. I knew it was time to go soon before the "Collin explosion" happened. Whew.....I did make it.

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