Friday, January 16, 2009

The Cast is Off!!!

Collin and I went to the doctor not knowing that today would be the day he would be free of his cast! When we arrived, the first thing they did was cut off the cast. Collin really did not like the sound of the tool used to do this and cried the entire time that tool was on. As soon as they finished using the tool, he was fine. I asked to save the cast so the tech taped it up for us. Next was X-ray time and Collin did better this time. They took two different poises and we were done. We did not have to wait long until the doc came in and told us the good news. He said that Collin's leg healed great. The only reason he would put on a shorter cast would be to help Collin transition for the larger cast to no cast at all. Either way, Collin would still take some time to adapt to not having a cast. He said that Collin would likely drag his foot, walk sideways with it or even crawl for the first 5 - 7 days. This is normal and to be expected.
When we got home, Collin did take about an hour to figure out that he did not have his cast on. Just as the doc said, he would crawl first and then stand up and start to walk. His right foot does point outward and he does walk like he still has a brace on his leg. No worries though. Collin was a trooper when he got the cast and overcame this obstacle so I am sure he will figure out how to properly walk again.