Monday, August 11, 2008

White Boys Can Dance!

Collin has been listening to music since I was pregnant with him. I could tell the difference in his movements in my belly depending on the type of music I was listening to. If I had not felt him move much that day, I would play Lenny Kravitz (Greatest Hits, Oct 2000) on the way home and that would get him moving. Well....he has continued to get his groove on outside of the womb too. We were playing in his room and I decided to play a CD while Collin was focused on his stuffed animals (which is his new love...he has to sleep with his monkey Grandma H bought him). As soon as the CD started to play (Wheels on the Bus), Collin stopped what he was doing and started moving to the music. When he dances, he typically is sitting with either his legs crossed in front of him or he is sitting on his shins. In either position, the way he dances is he moves his hips back and forth while he has a huge grin on his face. This, of course, makes me smile and instantly do the "while girl" dance with him. Daddy should be teaching Collin to dance since he has more rhythm than I do.

I will post a video if I get get it....I might be laughing too hard to stop and think about filiming him though.

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