Saturday, August 30, 2008

Party, Party, Party!

Collin had two birthday parties Saturday...and for two ladies. One was for a 3 year old at an indoor playground that had the blown-up play structures that he could bounce and crawl around in. He was the littlest guy there but that did not stop him. He could crawl and keep up as best as he could. He really liked the one were he could bounce and crawl up the slide.....yeah, he did not like sliding down it as much as he liked crawling up it. After playing on the playground, it was pizza and cake time. He had his first bite of pizza and was not impressed. He did like the vanilla ice cream though. Both of us were miserably hot from the playground and he needed a nap so he threw a tantrum or two when I would take a fork out of his hand or move something out of his reach. He was just fine though after he got a balloon to take home.

He even fell asleep with the balloon string in his hand as we were driving to the next party as you can see in this picture.

At the next party, he got to play in a sand box for the first time. He LOVED it! I enjoyed watching him experience the sand and see what it could do. He had a great time pushing his hand through the sand, picking it up and watching the sand fall through his fingers. He would do that over and over again. Then, he figured out that the shovel could pick up the sand too. Sand stuck to it especially after he licked it a few times. He definitely got his fiber for the day...maybe the week!

We then went to Saige's house so he could take a nap since the second party was close to her house. He sleep for over 2 hours! I guess he was a tired party animal. He then played with Saige a little before she had to go to bed. Daddy came over after work to have dinner and watch a movie.

Collin had a long day but a lot of fun.


Maria said...

Collin is one party animal!!! When I read what Collin is doing (I have told you this before) it gives me ideas about what Matthew might enjoy trying soon. So he liked climbing in the blow up playground ah? I noticed in the photo that your carseat is still facing backwards.. will you be facing him forward soon?

Maria said...

Collin is one party animal!!! When I read what Collin is doing (I have told you this before) it gives me ideas about what Matthew might enjoy trying soon. So he liked climbing in the blow up playground ah? I noticed in the photo that your carseat is still facing backwards.. will you be facing him forward soon?