Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Tuesday's with Daddy August 19th 2008

Today was a blast. We plan on staying home almost all day and just play with all of the new toys. This one was the Piano toy that I gave him for his birthday. It is fun watching play with toys that make music. I guess it is true at any age "The rhythm is gonna get cha" It got Collin because he likes to shake his booty. SoI will try to get a video of that some day.

Anyways he went from toy to toy with a few breaks in the day to chase the kitties around the second floor. Collin did not like it when they jumped on the pool table and cried at them, then looked at me as if to say "Make them come down and play" Not doin it the cats stayed up there. Chloe finally relented and let Collin pet her for a while. She really like me being here to protect her it was funny watching Collin chase her around me sitting in the middle of the floor. I believe Chloe knew exactly what she was doing and I do not think Collin understands that cats do not like to be SCREAMED at.

Later in the day Collin wanted to give Chloe the ball from one of his new toys. Chloe did not understand and would swat at him as if to say "You are being a pest Kid, I already played with you today". Collin is so friendly and just kept trying at some point he put his head down and tried to understand why she did not want the ball.

I learned something today, when Collin is quietly playing it is not a good thing!!!!

Collin ran around the second floor safe zone all day long either screaming at the cats or dancing to the music or throwing his blocks and balls and anything else he could get his hands on around the room. So when he started to crawl between the couch and my chair I thought he was looking for one of his toys. So I paid it no never mind but about 5 minutes go by and I look over and there he is not making a sound but sitting on his calves, wedged in between the couch and chair looking down at the ground. SO I look over his head to see what he was doing and much to my surprise he found the box of tissue paper. Yeah that was fun? So I got to find out what a full, brand new box of tissue paper looks like when it is out of the box and SHREDDED into about a BILLION Pieces. Oddly enough nothing went into his mouth, at least I did not see it today. Maybe tomorrow, if you get my gist.

Last but not least, since today was such a fun day I decided to let Collin feed himself with some solid food. Collin has not been eating a lot of solid foods lately and only wanted his formula from his bottle. So when I was eating dinner I gave him some of what I was eating. Lo Mien Noodles with Mushrooms. He also had crackers, goldfish, and cheerios and Cantaloupe. Well I say he had them but it is more like he WORE them. As you can see by the picture he did not get much into his mouth and what did make it into his mouth got spit out after chewing it for a little while.
Don't worry I cleaned up afterwards and then a bath was in order. I found noodles in some fun places, it is amazing what can fit behind his ears. Also if we ever run out of hair gel and want to stick his hair straight up we can use cantaloupe juice. It is really sticky.

SO another great day being Collin's Daddy.

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