Sunday, November 26, 2017

Where is the snow?

Collin was really looking forward to snow skiing while we were on vacacian this past week. Because he was sick, I had the cornea abrasions on my left eye, and the weather was a lot warmer than predicted, there was hardly any snow on the two slopes that were open on the ski mountain.  He was not too happy and I really can’t blame him. Once he finally feel better, we had two days of fun where we could get out and enjoy hiking, mountain bike riding, and just staring out at the beautiful scenery around the mountain house (aka “The Treehouse”. 

This morning, we hiked a mountain bike trail to determine if it was a trail we could ride down later in the afternoon. Collin took a slingshot and had fun trying to shoot tree stumps and other objects. I gave it a shot and did not do too bad myself. 

After hiking back to the house, we got ready to ride the trail that we just hiked. We drove up to the top of the trail and unloaded our bikes to ride down the trail. It was a lot more steep than I would’ve wanted it to be. Both Collin and I fell off our bikes but got back on and made it to the bottom of the trail. It really was fun and I was ready to do it again.  Because the truck was at the top of the trail, Dad and Collin drove in the four wheeler to get the truck and bring it back to start all over again. By the time they got back to the house, they were both too tired to do it again.  

After resting a little bit, we ran some errands and then drove around the streets near the mountain house. We had no idea how much higher up the mountain was behind our house. The mountain house sits at around 8600 feet in elevation. We drove up to 9800 feet in elevation. There are so many street that still do not have houses built near them. That’s great for us because they’re so much more that can be developed. While driving around, I was in search for snow for Collin to play in one last time.  Close to the top of the mountain, I saw a frozen stream and tiny waterfall off to the side. I have Dad stop for Collin to play for a little bit. Hey cautiously walked on the frozen ice to see how thick it was. After determining that the ice was very thick, he picked up a large boulder and threw it to the ice. Shockingly, it did not crack at all!  He climbed around the freezing water and in the snow for a bit and had fun.  I was happy to see his smiling face. :)

While driving back to the house, we spotted at least 10 deer having dinner near one of the homes. They were not afraid of us at all you continue to eat while we watched them.

I was really disappointed that I was not well most of the trip and could not do more around the house. However, it’s a beautiful place to be sick in. The views are wonderful no matter what. 

Bye Angel Fire!  Until next month…

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