Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Music Man

Collin has always loved music whether he was shaking is diapered booty as a toddler, singing with a fake microphone, drumming on the back of the driver car seat, singing A cappella because the mood struck him at the moment or needing music to fall asleep.  I love it when he randomly sings a lyric from a song from the 80s or requests for a certain song to be played while we are in the car.

Recently, he discovered a VERY old iPod Shuffle I used to use while I was training for triathlons.  I don't use it anymore because 1) I cannot run with it during the race and 2) I run so early in the morning that I wanted to be more alert and hear if something or someone was coming up behind me.  The iPod had a variety of music loaded on it but mainly upbeat music because that's what I needed to listen to especially on long runs.  Well, Collin found this iPod Shuffle sitting on a speaker deck similar to the following and wanted to use it instead of the CDs he has been listening to at night for years.  Because the music was all mainly upbeat, it was not very restful music.  It was fun to listen to some of the songs again but it extended the bed time routine too long.

Dad loaded new music that was more bedtime appropriate like the Eagles, Elton John, Chicago, Foreigner and other slower songs from the 70s.  There is some Michael Jackson too but not Bill Idol like Collin requested.  I sing the songs and Collin asks questions about the lyrics or tries to sing along with me. 

I love this time with my guy and sharing our love of a variety of music with him.

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