Saturday, June 25, 2016

Talking Back = Time in His Room

Collin is talking back to us more.  Instead of trying to talk to him about it, again, for the 10th time, that day, we sent him to his room for the night.  He was NOT happy about that because it was 7pm and two hours before his normal time to settle down and go to bed.  He screamed all the way down the hall to his room which further confirmed he needed to stay in there the rest of the night.  We could hear him continue to cry loudly in his room for at least 20 minutes.  Good thing we had plans to rest and watch a movie the rest of the night.  At one point, we turned down the volume to the show and did not hear him anymore.  Dad checked on him and he was sitting on his bed looking through a book.  When Dad got up later to check on him again, he found this note laying outside the hall door:

It says, I am sorry that I was argueing with you.  I will never do it again.  At least he knows why he was sent to his room.  All of the crying must have worn him out because he was asleep within 30 minutes.

The next morning, he was apologetic and very helpful the rest of the day.

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