Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Summer so Far

Summers are hard on a 3rd grader...and parents.  What to do with the kiddo during the day to wear him out, entertain him and possibly provide some learning scenarios as well.  Here is what Collin has done so far this summer:

  • He continues drum lessons 2 days a week.  His new instructor says he catches on really quick and has lot of potential.  They are working on the basics again to make sure Collin has these before learning a song.  He also practices at home at least twice a week.  We are trying to increase that by a day or two.
  • He attended Reading Camp for a week in the afternoon.  His teacher said he does really well when he applies himself (we have heard this before).  She said he rises to the level of the kids around him.  He was the youngest in the class by 2 grades but he read and comprehended just as well as the other kids.  She recommends he reads daily which we started last week.  It's hard to do with all of the other activities and a tired Mommy but we are making it work as much as we can.
  • He attended soccer camp for the week in the morning.  He loves soccer and was just happy to be playing with his friend Brody.  I did not hear from him that he learned anything new but I know he had fun.
  • He attended a two day evening football skills clinic to get him ready for tackle football.  He LOVED this and wanted to do more of it.  There were a few times he got the ball and ran with it which he did not want to do in the past because of the people watching him and letting down his team.  Maybe he is over this fear now.
  • He had swim team which consisted of 4 Meets and one practice meet.  There were swim lessons in the morning he missed because he was already at camp.  He could have done a make up swim lesson in the evening but he rested instead.
  • He is attending baseball camp this week in the morning and likes it so far because he loves baseball also.  Plus, he is getting to play on a college size field which is different.  
  • Clayton and Collin waiting for baseball camp to start.  Looks like Collin is a little tired or cranky this morning.  Yeah for the coaches.
  • I started boxing  and kickboxing classes at night.  He has heard me talk about these and wanted to go with me.  We finally found a class that we could attend together.  I thought he would want to leave after 20 minutes of the class but he stuck it out and hung in the entire hour.  I was so proud of him and enjoyed having him there with me as I worked out.  He even told me I was doing something wrong and push trough the planks.  Ha!
  • Getting his wraps put on
    In my gloves after class
  • For the rest of the time, he is either at a friend's house or he has a friend over to play
  • Lots of pool time because it already feels like July around here and getting REALLY hot.  He is drinking more water and knows the value of being hydrated.
I would say the summer is off to a great start for the Collinator!

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