Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Writing a book?

When I was younger, I remember my Pepaw responding with "Are you writing a book?  Well, then leave that chapter out" whenever I would ask questions that required more than a yes or no response.  Collin is sure in the question phase of his life.  Just yesterday, within 30 minutes, he asked about flat tires and coupons.  How did he go from flat tires to coupons?  It makes sense, kind of, when you know the story.

Dad was running an errand with Collin yesterday morning before dropping him off to math camp for the rest of the morning.  On the way, Dad hit a curb resulting in a flat tire.  The questions began before he even pulled over to change the flat (Dad was not about to call AAA to change the tire thinking he did not want Collin to think he could not change a tire).  The questions that resulted were:

  • Why did the tire go flat?  You hit the curb a lot and the tire was not flat before.
  • Why is the spare tire so dirty?  Should you wash it?  How did the dirt get all the way around the tire?
  • Why is the spare under the truck?  Can't it fit in the backseat?
  • Why do you have to get under the truck to get the spare tire?  
  • Why are there six screws in the tire (he meant the hub cap)?
  • How do you know to unscrew the screws first?
  • How do you get the tire off the car?
  • Where is the thing to lift the car up?
  • The car comes with instructions? (Dad mentioned the owner's manual and then had to explain what that was)
  • What keeps the old tire from rolling away?
  • Why do you keep the old tire?  What does the tire shop do with it when you give it to them?
  • Do coupons expire?  (Now, that stopped Dad from changing the tire.  What does changing a tire have to do with coupons?)
  • Why do people give tips?  How do they know how much to give?
  • If people are not as nice, they should still get a tip, right?
  • Does the tip money go to kids that have mean dads?  (Not sure why he thought that but we let him know what happens to the tip money and explained the difference between donating and tipping).
After the tire was changed, the boys got back in the truck and continued running the errand.  Before the Collin even got in his car seat, he saw coupons from Whataburger and ask:  "When can we use these?  Have they expired yet?"

Dad did say that he would have changed the tire a lot faster if it were not for all of the questions, However, he said he enjoyed them and it was helpful to explain the process because it kept him from forgetting a step.  

I have had similar car experiences in the last week about Jesus:
  • Why did Jesus die on the cross?
  • How did being on the cross make him die?
  • Did it hurt to hang there?
  • How much did he bleed?
  • How did they get the nails in?
  • Why didn't people help him get down?
  • Did God die like Jesus?
  • How do  we know Grandma H and Grandma Filla are watching us?
  • Are they in Heaven talking to other people?
  • When will we be in Heaven?
  • When are you going to die?
I told Dad that his questions were MUCH easier to answer.  He agreed. :)

1 comment:

Monica said...

That brings back memories and makes me smile! What an inquisitive kid! Must be very intelligent ;-) It sounds like both you and Chris are infinitely patient, which is so helpful during this stage.