Tuesday, August 25, 2015

First Day of 2nd Grade

Collin has been indifferent about school starting.  Other than seeing his friends, having lunch, riding the bus and playing on the playground, he does not care if school starts or not.  Wait.....that's probably normal for an 8 year old boy......ugh, already 8 and going into 2nd grade.

The morning started as it normally does.  Even though I gave him lots of kisses, he still ordered his breakfast (chocolate donuts) before he got dressed for the day.  At least he picked out his clothes AND they looked good together.  I did not want to have to convince him he needed to change.  He did not care that I was taking pictures of him before he got on the bus.

We all got up in time to not have to hurry to get out the door.  Before getting on the bus, I took the traditional picture in front of the tree outside.  It was another foggy, humid morning so I had to wipe the camera lens between pictures and take them fast before the lens fogged up again.  I was able to get some good ones.  He does have the same backpack and lunch box as last year.  These were in great shape after a little cleaning.  Plus, he was happy to keep these and not interested in a change.  Music to my ears!
Collin holding the usual sign.  I noticed I forgot the year after we all left for the day.  Oh well!

We were the last ones to arrive to the bus stop but we had plenty of time to talk to the other families and kids before the bus arrived.  Dad and I both got really big hugs and kisses before Collin got on the bus.

Really good picture of Dad and Collin before the bus arrived

Collin is the guy closest to the bus about to get on
That morning, I did check on Dad to see how he was doing without his buddy.  He said he was good and keeping really busy.  He plans to pick Collin up after school most days because the bus takes almost another hour to drop him off.  This is until the new school is finished which should be by January 2016.  Then, they will walk or ride bikes because the school is within 2 miles from the house.  Collin likes to ride the bus with his friends and prefers to be a bus rider especially on cooler days.

After school, Dad picked him up and they went to the movies.  We all got home around the same time to talk about our days.  Collin did not have much to say about school which I expected.  He did this the last several years, too. It takes him about a week to start talking about the day, his teacher and the students in his class.

That night, he did thank me for being home when he got home.  He knows I am working a lot right now and could have been working instead of sitting with him before he went to bed.  I thanked him for being thoughtful, gave him kisses and laid down with my little man to enjoy these times we have together.

Looking through pictures earlier in the day, I put this together from the last three years.  The progression is interesting especially the smile on his face.  The first picture, he had been going to Montessori school but this was his first year in a new school.  He was worried about not knowing anyone and not having friends. In his 1st grad picture, he is all smiles and ready to get on the bus.  He knows what to expect, loves riding the bus and cannot wait to see his friends.  He has grown taller and a little heavier in these pictures but not much else has changed.  He had fun looking at pictures last night noticing his messy hair and that it was still really blond like he likes it.

Love you Collin.  I hope you have a great year in 2nd grade!

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