Saturday, June 7, 2014

Only Child Issue or Just His Age?

Collin is having a hard to playing with other kids.  He is excited when he knows friends are coming over.  Then, when they come over, he expects that they will play with or do what he wants to do.  Today, we had friends over to mainly swim and play for a few hours.  After swimming and some lunch, Collin wanted to play with the Wii and the boys wanted to swim some more.  He was frustrated that they did not want to play Wii.  "I don't want to swim.  They don't want to play with me" and then he marched off.  After the boys finished swimming, they did come in and play Wii.  Collin did not let one of the boys play.  He just does not understand that kids will not want to play with him if he expects for them to play and do everything he wants to do.

Later today, a friend, Jacob, knocked on the door and asked Collin if he wanted to ride bikes.  I knew he would say "no" mainly because he is not confident on his bike yet to ride with friends.  I made him go outside and ride.  He quit after less than 10 minutes because he was nervous with all of the kids on their bikes.  Jacob asked what was wrong and Collin said he was finished riding.  Then, Jacob suggested throwing the football.  Collin said OK and then went in the house to get the football.  Collin came out with his baseball glove because he wanted to throw the baseball.  Here we go again.  I made him go back inside to get the football.  He reluctantly did and did play with Jacob.

The other day, several neighborhood boys where out playing basketball.  When we walked up to our house to go inside, two of the boys said "hi" to Collin. He ignored them but clearly heard them talking to him.  They were being so nice and probably would have asked him to play but didn't because of the way he reacted.  Daddy talked to him about this and said the boys felt ignored when he did that do them.  He did not like being ignored after we showed him how it felt.  He was better for a few hours but did this again later in the day. 

Is this his age, him being an only child, or what? 

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