Friday, November 22, 2013

Thanksgiving Program and Feast

Collin was a turkey in the class Thanksgiving program.  They sang at least 6 songs which I was surprised by because I asked Collin was he was going to do in the program and he kept saying "gobble, gobble, gobble".  In reality, he did that 3 times during one song.  He looked like he knew the words to all of the other songs but I did not hear him practice these songs at home like I have when he has had other programs at school.

The Turkey at the top is surrounded by Pilgrims

The Turkey is finished and ready to go back to class

Evy, Collin and Ford

Collin and Evy singing

All four of the classes together

After the program, we went back to his class for a Thanksgiving feast.  I was interested to see which kids would eat what because there was a lot of food on their plate plus it was only 11am and then are used to eating lunch at 12:30.  They had chicken nuggets (the favorite), bread, corn-on-the-cob, banana, grapes and string cheese.  Collin does not even eat half of this during any meal.  He did eat the nuggets, corn and grapes plus one bite of the cheese.

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