Friday, November 22, 2013

Sam, the Bully

While we were traveling in Philadelphia for the bike shop, Collin stayed with Mimi and Grandma H.  While at Mimi's house, Collin mentioned that he had a bully.  Mimi asked him who was his bully and he named the first and last name and then told her that he was mean.  When she pressed further, he would not give details. 

Mimi told us about this conversation.  When we got home, I talked to Collin about this more.  When he said Sam is mean to him on the playground, I knew who he was talking about.  Sam is not in his class this year but was last year in Pre-K.  He was trouble then and apparently is still trouble.  I told Collin to tell the teacher the next time Sam was mean to him.  He did and the teacher on the playground did not do anything. I wrote a note to Ms Mitchell and she said she would watch for Sam when it was her time to be the playground teacher.  When it was her turn, she saw what Sam was doing and sat him out from playing that afternoon.  Since then, we have not heard anything about Sam.  That does not mean that Sam is not bothering Collin but maybe Collin is staying out of his way.

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