Thursday, July 11, 2013

Camp Update

Instead of asking how his day was at camp, I ask more direct questions like “What was your favorite thing you did today?” or “What would you not want to do again?” This usually starts Collin talking about his day…which can sometimes last the entire way home. Yesterday, when I asked these questions, I learned that he really likes the running part of camp but that the older boys are still faster. He also said that he was wrong and that Lucas is 10 and another boy is 6. Ummm….OK, that’s good to know.

He also learned yoga and him describing it made me smile. I asked what yoga positions he learned and he said “We did this” and he closed his eyes and laid back in his seat. He said when he opened his eyes, “I forgot where I was”. That’s yoga for you Collin! I asked if he learned other poses demonstrating some of them and he said he did not.

This morning as I was kissing him goodbye, I told him to have fun at swim camp. “Mommy, it’s not swim camp”. I’m confused. He told me he wanted me to call it swim camp Tuesday but now it’s not swim camp. Fine with me…..just as long as he is still having a good time.

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