Monday, April 1, 2013

More Eggs and Friends

For Easter, we had a lazy morning spending it at the apartment so that I could be rested for the activities planned the rest of the day.

We first went to Alex and Ellie's house to join the family Easter lunch celebration.  The entire extended family was there.  The weather was great so I found a comfortable chair outside and sat there most of the time.  That really helped me conserve my energy.  Collin had a blast with the kids and the dogs.  We had an AWESOME meal that included sides everyone brought.  After the meal, we hid the eggs for an egg hunt.  The kids had a blast in the back yard finding the eggs.  Collin is a pro at this now.  He did chose the basket this time instead of the bag.  I mention this because the eggs did start falling out of the basket when he bent over to pick up a new egg.  I started following behind him, as he instructed me to do so, to pick up the eggs that "escaped" his basket.  He did really well and ended up finding $1 in one egg and $5 in another.

I hope he did not trample too many herbs trying to find eggs

I got to see a lot of this pose....butt in the air!

Eggs where in the play house too!

See why the eggs kept falling out?
We were supposed to meet with my side of the family after the egg hunt.  However, due to miscommunication and not feeling well, we postponed the dinner until next Sunday night.  Instead, we went home for a much needed nap (I took a nap and the boys did rest).  We were going to stay inside for dinner but Daddy thought it was a good idea to get out so we did.  Collin wanted to eat at the "stinky place" so that he could play video games and get candy.  He meant Fuddrucker's which I was fine with.  After dinner, we checked out the new bicycle shop, came home and got ready for bed. 

That night, while I was laying next to Collin talking about his day, he grabbed my hand and eventually fell asleep that way.  I loved this moment and did not want it to end.  However, that was a great way to end an awesome weekend.

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