Sunday, April 7, 2013

Soccer - Game 2

I missed Collin's first soccer game so I was so glad that I felt good enough to watch him this afternoon.  This is a different league where there are only three players from each team on the field at a time during the game.  Therefore, it's not only action packed but each player gets to play a lot more to be able to practice their skills and get to the ball more.  Unlike his first game, Collin was much more aggressive and trying to get the ball and was able to control it better.  Grandma H and I was hollering out to him and the other players most of the game because they were doing so well.  However, towards the end of the 45 minute game in the 80 degree heat, you could tell that the kids were getting tired.  One time when he got off the field for a water break, he said that he could not drink anymore water because it was weighing him down and he could not run.  I'll have to remember to bring the fan that sprays water on him next time.  That seems to work really well at cooling him down.

Heading off the field for a water break

Helping a team mate out

Behind William ready for a pass

Headed toward the goal

Great foot work turning the ball

This one's his!

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