Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine Party at School

Because I was working from home today, I was lucky enough to attend Collin's Valentine Day party at school and help out. When I arrived, I caught him not listening to his teacher.  As soon as he saw me....oh boy did he start listening and got back in line. 

Each child sat at one of four stations.  Collin did great and sat where he needed to instead of the station I was helping out.  The stations were:  cupcake decorating, making a Valentine heart, Valentine bingo, and snack.  The kids also got to distribute the Valentine Day cards they brought from home.  That's the area I helped out with the most.  Collin moved around to each station and could not wait to distribute his Valentine cards.  He patiently waited until it was his turn. 

Cupcake decorating.  I was not surprised that he did not want his cupcake.
At the end of the party, the kids sat on a square quietly while we cleaned up.  Some kids were going home after this.  Collin really wanted to but I told him it was Mimi's turn to pick him up from the bus stop.  He said, "Marshmallow Mimi?  Yeah!!!" and then ran back to his square.  He did not look back at my as I walked out the classroom door.  That's my big boy!

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