Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Sleepover Weekend

Collin had lots of fun this weekend because he got to spend a lot of time with friends and cousins.  It started Friday night when we met the Harrises for dinner.  We had just finished a make-up swim lesson for him and Daddy called to say he was going to be working late.  What to do now?  I called Aunt Lisa and we met for dinner at Fuddrucker's.  Collin wanted to eat there because he knew there were video games and he could win a prize.  He won a red ball the last time we went there on a game that is notorious for never letting a kid win anything.  How was I going to explain that to him that he might not win another ball?  We met at Fuddrucker's anyway.

The kids did have fun playing games.  Collin thought it was so cool that Uncle Paul bought $5 of quarters.  "There are so many monies Mommy!"  Yes, there were a lot of quarters....but they did not last that long even though most of the games were a quarter.  Our food came and the kids shared a hamburger and some fries before wanting to play some more.  That was fine with the parents so we could continue to talk and catch up.  When we were about to leave, I asked quietly if Timmy could spend the night.  He did not have a change of clothes but I bet we could figure it out.  He could spend the night and the boys were ecstatic! 

On the way home, Collin let Timmy pick out a movie.  That was HUGE for Collin to share something like that.  They watched Toy Story 3 and laughed or quoted the movie most of the way home.  I let the boys play a little while before changing into PJs to watch a movie and settle down for the night.  At least that was the idea.  The movie was over around 9:15pm and they both still had a ton of energy.  I thought play board games or something else that did not allow them to run around would be OK and might wear them out.  NOPE!  They were going strong until 11pm when I decided that they needed to go to bed.  I had forgotten until this point that Timmy is used to staying up late.  It still took another 20 minutes before both of them fell asleep.  Oh please, oh please, sleep in a little tomorrow!

The boys woke up after 8am (yes!!!) and were hungry.  After breakfast, they painted a little.  I had been saving a bunch of toilet paper holders to make crafts from.  This morning, they wanted to make butterflies and bunnies.  Well, that was the idea....they only painted the tubes and decided that was enough and moved on to something else.  Collin might have hung out a little longer but Timmy was ready to move again. 

After playing in the apartment a little longer, it was time to go outside and enjoy the beautiful day.  We went to one park a played a little while until Timmy had to potty.  I forgot this park did not have a potty nearby so we got in the car and went to the other park that did.  Good thing too because both boys had to potty again a little later.  They had a blast at the second park. I brought balls to play with too in case they wanted them. Collin did and had fun kicking the ball to Timmy...who got bored with that quickly but I played with Collin.  Here are some pictures of the little Nuts insisting that they swing in the baby swings.  They lasted at least 20 minutes in these swings.  I was worn out from pushing them and encouraged them to play somewhere else. 

We went home after that to play a little, rest and then meet Aunt Lisa.  I knew that Collin was supposed to spend the night with Oliver that night so I wanted him to get some rest before I dumped a tired, grouchy boy off at Oliver's house. As soon as I pulled up to drop Timmy off, Collin fell asleep.  At least he will get some rest on the way back to Oliver's house.  I did stop by our house to check on the remodeling progress.  Dry wall was up and they were finishing the molding and building the shelves.  Making lots of progress in the last few days.  Yeah!

We arrived at Oliver's and Collin immediately ran to Oliver's room without even giving me a hug or to tell me "bye".  Hmmmm....guess he will be fine here overnight.  hahaha  I did stay for about 20 minutes to catch up with Oliver's mommy and daddy before meeting Daddy at the apartment. 

That night, Daddy and I met Bridgette and her husband, Craig, for dinner at Carraba's because they were in town from Austin.  We had a great time catching up...and we sure did have a lot to catch up on. After dinner, instead of going to a movie, we watched one at the apartment that Daddy had ordered through Netflix.  Glad we stayed home instead of going out. 

The next morning after going to the monthly Time Trial for the bike shop Tri club, we picked up Collin, came back to the apartment and....wait for it.....took over a 3 hour nap!  We were all exhausted from the weekend so far.  We got up and ran some errands before staying home the rest of the evening.

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