Saturday, September 8, 2012

Bus Ride

Yep, Collin rode the bus for the first time to school Friday and it was his idea.  He and Daddy leave on the bikes to school sometimes when the kids are still waiting for the bus or when the bus is driving the kids to school.  On Thursday, Collin announced that he wanted to ride the bus.  Daddy was not excited about that announcement because he enjoys riding bikes to and from school with Collin.  However, we were going to make it work.  Daddy had to pick up the bus pass from school and tell his teacher that he would be riding tomorrow.  They have a great system where the bus riders go to a different section of the school.  The Pre-K and Kindergarten kids cannot get off the bus unless a parent or adult is waiting with a bus pass that has the students name on the pass.  We have a few at the house now in case we need them again.

So, Friday morning, Collin had to get up a little earlier because the bus is there at 7:30am.  He and Daddy have been leaving at 7:45am to ride bikes.  In case he changed his mind, we did ask if he still wanted to ride the bus that morning and he said he did.  Ok, here we go!  He ate breakfast, got ready and we headed to the bus stop.  Two neighbor kids, Jacob and Caroline, where already there.  They told us that we needed to wait for bus #104.  We let them know that this was Collin's first bus ride and Jacob said he would sit with him and let him know when to get off the bus.  That was really nice of Jacob.

The bus came, Collin gave me a kiss and then headed to the bus to get on.  That little stinker did not turn back around to wave or say anything to Daddy or I when he was walking up the steps.  Then the bus left.  No, we did not cry but it was strange to see our son leaving on the bus to go to school.  Daddy did not like it and hoped Collin would not want to ride the bus again.

I left work early so I could see Collin get off the bus between 3:30 and 3:45pm.  This is later than we need to be at school if we were to pick him up which is 3pm.  We both were at the stop at 3:30pm and the bus arrived just a few minutes after that.  I sure did hope Collin was going to get off.....and he did!  He was sitting right up front.  The driver let Collin get off after Daddy showed her the bus pass.  Collin was sweaty because the bus does not have A/C and it was a really warm 98 degree day.

When he got off, we asked if he liked the bus and he said he did.  "Can I ride it again tomorrow?"  Oh no Daddy!  Collin might be hooked on riding the bus.  After getting a drink of water, he was now ready for all of the questions we had.  He explained that riding the bus was easy.  The older kids took him to wait for the Orange bus.  The Purple one went by and that was not his bus.  When the Orange bus got there, he lined up with the other kids, got on the bus and sat up front.  It was easy.  He did not mind the heat.  I think it bothered us more than him.  He and Daddy went swimming later anyway which took care of the red cheeks.

Later in the day, we said that he could ride the bus on Fridays or if it was raining.  He liked that compromise.  We'll see if he remembers that "deal" when he goes back to school next week.

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